Ready to learn more? Register here for a Tec-NQ information session or to have a member of the Tec-NQ enrolments team contact you with more information.

Information sessions and Tec-NQ Open day are held at 54 Discovery Drive, Douglas.

Note: This is not a student application form, to apply for school enrolment click here.

Select an Information Session
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Date of Birth
Parent / Guardian Name
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Are you currently attending school?
If so, which one?

Tec-NQ offers three points of enrolment.
Please indicate which year level you are interested in:
My top 3 trades I would like to study at Tec-NQ are:

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Are you interested in accommodation or boarding?

If yes, what is your gender?

And home town?
Would you like us to contact you prior to the above session?
Please confirm and hit Submit